Amd vega 64 ethereum hashrate

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AMD has stated that they mining community will try these chain driver that improves the firmware to extract the most and Vega cards that should be out sometime really soon.

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Amd vega 64 ethereum hashrate Not that hard to get one if you know where to look. We are able to overclock the memory from MHz up to MHz with full stability. Mining Performance Comparison - Tom's Hardware vs. Meanwhile, power can be very expensive for larger mining setups, and poor efficiency PSUs power supply units will generate more heat and use more electricity. Today's article is a celebration of how good Fury X really was.
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Amd vega 64 ethereum hashrate Our stance is that this is a Very Bad Idea tm. Power use as measured using Powenetics would of course increase. But Vega was also a power-hungry architecture, and it benefits from turning down the GPU clocks. It's just a shame about the extreme power consumption and the fact that AMD still has no answer to the Ti. We are sure that the mining community will try these cards out and modify the firmware to extract the most performance from VEGA in the coming weeks.
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